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The Third Strategy: Imagine First

“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.”
—Albert Einstein

Creating Business MagicScene: This really happened . It’s 1983, and the world’s most famous illusionist, David Copperfield, is performing in a worldwide television special—his ninth. This time, he’s in China. Think China, and you cannot help but think Great Wall. Now, with the cameras feeding video across the planet, and with a live audience arrayed on both sides of the timeless landmark, David Copperfield makes his appearance. 

Begun in the seventh century BC, the Great Wall of China extends over three thousand miles and was built to prevent the passage of the most powerful invading armies in history. Copperfield proposes not to storm it or climb over it or travel three thousand miles around it, but rather to walk through it. 

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Washington Magic Latest News

The Second Strategy: Reboot Aspiration

“A computer on every desk and in every home”

—Bill Gates

Creating Business MagicScene: This really happened. It’s the early 1920s, and Harry Houdini is the world’s most celebrated magician. Right now, he’s sitting behind a closed curtain, having just escaped from one of his signature magical props, the Chinese Water Torture Cell. Moments ago, onstage before a live audience, his feet were locked into stocks fixed into a restraint brace, and he was hoisted upside-down, suspended in midair by his ankles. The brace fits on top of the Torture Cell proper, which is a sinister-looking device, a phone booth-size glass box reinforced with a steel framework and filled with water. 

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Washington Magic Latest News

The First Strategy: Forget Reality

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
—Albert Einstein

Scene: This really happened. It’s the mid-1970s, and Doug Henning is re-energizing magic with his own form of magical wonder. He walks onto a Broadway stage, his pants one of those strange 1970s colors, and he’s holding a newspaper, reading it, and turning to the audience: “The only thing a magician really does is to ask one question: ‘What’s real, and what’s illusion?’” 

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